10 Symptoms of Low Testosterone

I’d been feeling off and not myself over the past 5 months.  I was curious if it might be due to low testosterone but without a test, I had no way of knowing.  I decided to get tested through Hone Health for only $45.  For just over the cost of my normal co-pay I got a full blood screening for multiple markers related to my testosterone and a 1 on 1 consultation with a registered, certified, physician specific to this field.  What impressed me the most about Hone health besides the ease of use, was the thoroughness of the physician I spoke with.  We spent 30 minutes actually dissecting my results, lifestyle, and potential solutions.  There was no hard sell to medicate and I wasn’t made to feel stupid for asking a lot of (what were probably dumb questions).  

Top 10 Low Test Symptoms

  1. Low sex drive
  2. Erectile dysfunction
  3. Low volume of ejaculate
  4. Extra body weight
  5. Loss of muscle
  6. Fatigue
  7. Osteoporosis
  8. Hair loss
  9. Sleep dysfunction
  10. Depression and mood disorders


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